I bought the Imju DEJAVU Fiberwig mascara two or so years ago after reading a recommendation on Eki’s blog ~ ekiblog.com and since then it has been my go-to mascara.
The reason I had wanted to try it was that Eki had said it worked really well and gave your eyelashes a ‘falsie’ effect without actually having to wear false eyelashes.
Now, who wouldn’t want longer, nicer lashes? I put it on my “to buy” list and here we are.
I don’t consider myself a beauty blogger, but I do like trying out new products and when I find something that really works ~ I can’t keep it to myself! This mascara is, in my opinion, a. w. e. s. o. m. e.
For the visual people here are the photos of what it looks like on:
~ No mascara… Eeep! ~ ~ With a two-three coats of Fiberwig ~

~ With Covergirl Blast Volume mascara ~ ~ With Fiberwig over the top ~
~ The left eye with just Fiberwig; the right with Covergirl and Fiberwig over the top ~
For anyone who wants more detailed information I have more facts about Fiberwig, plus my own personal experience using this product.
Instructions: Like any other mascara; apply to lashes. Sweep from the bottom of the lash to the tip.
Extra tips and information:
- When pulling the brush from the tube, be sure to gather plenty of fibers. You will immediately see the fibers on the brush.
- Start applying the fibers to your lashes by using the tip of the brush. Add fibers to both the top and bottom part of your upper lashes. This will film-coat your lashes completely.
- Apply fibers on the top part of your lashes too.
- Once fibers are added unto the lash, use the brush to stroke the lashes from root to tip until desired length is reached. Take plenty fibers and apply to your lashes repeatedly; no need to worry about clumping and flaking.
- To achieve the best length, be sure to dip the brush into the tube between layers to gather more fibers.
Product Details: I bought my mascara off eBay ~ if you search eBay for Fiberwig mascara you find a lot of mascaras for sale, so just beware of fakes.
I purchased it from here and it was marked with “Made in Japan” so I am fairly confident it wasn’t a fake.
Here are more details about the product itself:
Fiberwig is the top-selling mascara in Japan - beating the competition with remarkable, "false eyelash-like" results. Fiberwig coats each individual lash with a light film of fibers. Your lashes become coated with a film.
Fiberwig is made up of two types of extra thin nylon fibers; a short and a long fiber. The short and long fibers intertwine to form a light and smooth film coating that gently surrounds and seals onto your lashes.
As the fibers seal onto your lashes, they seal onto each other. As a result the extended fiber lashes give your natural lashes appearance of extreme length.
Fiberwig's light film coating defines and separates each lash while creating a fresh and natural gloss finish. Thanks to the film-coated lashes, Fiberwig will not smear nor smudge when you tear or sweat.
Wear it on hot, humid or rainy days without fear of smudging anytime, anyplace, anywhere.
Apply it in the morning for work straight through late at night without worrying about panda eyes!
Fiberwig's film coating resists tears, oil, and sweat. Yet when you are ready to remove, all that is needed is warm water!
Fiberwig absorbs the warm water and then swells, making it easy to slide off your lashes. When washing your face, simply wet your lashes with warm water. Then gently slide off the fibers with your finger and thumb.
Have you ever applied mascara but mistakenly missed your lashes only to dab some on your face? Fiberwig is easy to remove. Simply wait a couple of seconds for it to dry and peal off with a Q-tip.
Review: When I first used this mascara I thought that although it lengthened my lashes wonderfully it did not add enough volume so I was not really very happy about that. But I tried it again over the top of my Covergirl Blast Volume waterproof mascara and it worked wonders!
I found that it did not smudge {unlike waterproof mascara… Been there, tried that!}, it did not run ~ even when swimming{!!} and it came off super easily without leaving dark rings under and around my eyes. {Although sometimes the Covergirl does not come off with the Fiberwig and then I have to deal with that separately.}
What can I say? After years of using waterproof mascara because I hate how easily normal mascara runs I had resigned myself to smudge-y, hard to remove smears and panda eyes in the morning. I could never get all of the mascara off, no matter how hard I scrubbed, so I always woke up to a mess.
At the risk of sounding like a corny commercial ~ Fiberwig changed all of that. I can actually just wash it off at the end of the day and it is all good. Sure, I still find little flakes of black on my skin if I do not do a good enough job cleaning it all off. And sometimes when I swim the mascara will peal off depending on how warm the water is, but mostly it stays put.
And yes, I pulled out the big test. Tears. Lots of them. It did not even move. I was really stoked! After I got over being miserable and sad that is…. (> . <’)
Plus, it really does lengthen and define your lashes, so that they look lush and long. Maybe they are not quite as dramatic as fake eyelashes, but you get most of the benefits of fakes without the actual application of falsies.
Conclusion: Love, love, love it! No smudge, no smear, no mess mascara that looks great! I do not think there is a better mascara out there, and although I have sometimes been swayed by new mascaras and all the hype, I’ve always come back to Fiberwig because it really has been the best mascara I’ve ever used.
My Tip: Find a clear mascara that volumizes your lashes and apply Fiberwig over the top. You do need something underneath to get a full lash effect ~ you could also try a plumping mascara.
Rating: 1 million/10? {Haha!} ~ but really, this mascara is fantastic.
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this review. I pulled it up from the archives of Depict This! because I thought it was a useful post to keep around.
Discloser | I am not affiliated with Fiberwig in anyway; I bought this product myself and chose to review it because I like it. Plain and simple. (✿◠‿◠)
~ ♡ ~
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