
Thursday, June 5, 2014

༺ Little Grassy Knoll ༻

 Sunsets and autumn leaves | Lavender & Twill

Casual and classy for a day out running errands | Lavender & Twill

A simple woven straw purse to add a touch of textural interest | Lavender & Twill
  Longer length cardigans create a sleek 1930's look when paired with midi A-line skirts | Lavender & Twill

I have never seen the sun sparkle quite like it did this afternoon. I took Theodore to the park behind our house. {We call it the train park; partly because it is behind the railway station behind our house, and also because it has a train theme. It’s very cute and it’s Theodore’s favorite park.} There I was fortunate to discover the most stunning light filtering through the half-naked tree branches as the sun lazily crawled to bed.

It’s just wonderful when nature’s elements come together to paint a glorious picture without you even realizing that it is going to happen! The burnished sun beams, the honeyed autumn leaves, the little grassy knoll…

I have wanted to snap pictures at this locality for a while. But as there is a lot of ugly around the pretty, and usually quite hopeless lighting, so it really was a trick to pull these snaps off. The challenge is half the fun; though I am glad these worked, or I probably never would have gotten shots from this particular spot.

I have realized this is just one part of why I love blogging so much. I do adore the chance to take pretty photos, and practice my photography skills.  One day I’d like to do some photography with models and see if I can’t have even more fun with greater ability to control the angles and style of shooting. I couldn’t live without my tripod, but it does have it’s own limitations.

Do you prefer to take the photos or put together the outfits when you blog? I’ve probably got one foot in each camp, but most of me is on the photography side. It’s just a wee bit more fun for me to work with my camera and produce the vision I see in my mind’s eye.



༺ ♡ ༻

Long Line Bluebell Cardigan | SES, Old
Nod to Violets Blouse | Thrifted
Run Rabbit Run Brooch | Dolls In Trees, Etsy
Woven Straw Purse | Thrifted
Tulle Faraway Skirt | Rockmans, Old
Blue Ruched Bobby Socks | Dollar Shop, Old
Mary Jane Flats | Old

༺ ♡ ༻

Find me:

Instagram | missbjvear
Pinterest | bjvear
Ravelry | BJVear
Twitter | bjvear
Youtube | Bonita Vear


  1. I swear, sometimes I want to split myself in two so I can control the camera and do the posing!! These are beautiful shots,perfect lighting and your outfit is lovely x

    1. Yes! I often feel like that! If only I had some magical camera that could help me; but I guess that's as feasible as splitting myself in two... Lol.

  2. I'm more about putting the outfits together--my sister or boyfriend normally help me out with the photo-taking! I am fond of my tripod, too, however, when I can't get ahold of either of them.

    I love the sun in these photos and you look just beautiful. Very nice color on the cardigan!


    1. I do so love it when my Mister helps me out with photos, it's not quite as good as splitting myself in two; but definitely better than a tripod. :P

  3. These photos are so ethereal and gorgeous. :)

    1. Oh, thank you Hannah! That's really such a huge compliment to me, I love that style of photography, but find it hard to reproduce. I'm glad I succeed to some degree here. ♡
