Tuesday, January 20, 2015

༺ Shooting for the Stars ༻

I like to make resolutions every year. I like to make goals each month to tick off. I’m such a list person, and this is my way of keeping track of my personal growth so that I can make sure I’m working towards the goals and achievements I’d like to see happening.

It’s funny, because I’ve never really seen myself as much of a go-getter type gal, but sure enough ~ if I think about it, it’s all there waiting to come out!

To Do List Vintage E-card | Lavender & Twill

Even though it has taken me a while to figure out my resolutions for 2015 {we have been so busy I haven’t had a chance to sit down and really work on them} ~ I haven’t forgotten to make them. Firstly, however, a brief glance back on my resolutions for 2014.

~ My New Years Resolutions: 2014 ~

2014:  My personal goal ~ To focus on cooking healthy and regular meals.

Tick!  I feel like I can say that we have actually achieved this! We really found our feet with this life style change when we implemented a weekly meal plan.  Yup, we pretty much eat the same meals every week. 

I know to some people that sounds like the worst form of torture in the world, but for our family it works. Here’s why:

~ Neither my husband or myself love cooking. We’ll do it, but it’s not our favourite thing, so when we are tired or really busy, {which happens a lot when you have little ones!} cooking is the last thing we want to do, and ends up not happening far to frequently.

~ Little ones don’t allow for long periods of time to be devoted to meal preparation or cooking, so planning complicated meals means that we are less likely to actually go through with making them.

~ We picked our most favourite, simplest meals that we know, that also allow for leftovers. Lots and lots of leftovers. We eat these leftovers for lunches or dinner, depending on what is convenient. This system has been working really well for us.

~ We will still be flexible and switch the meals around on their designated days; so this allows us a little bit of freedom if we don’t feel like eating that particular meal that night.  This helps us to stick with the seven day meal plan as well.

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2014:  My skills goal ~ To learn more graphic art skills and computer illustration skills.

Tick! So half of the reason I had this goal was to start developing some children’s book applications which didn’t end up happening this year. However, the actual goal itself of learning more digital art skills did happen. 

I’ve been practising my digital art by working on a web comic I write and draw ~ Giggles.

Spelling Situations

I have been really happy with how my practising has been turning out, and I’m learning how to use my art studio program, so hopefully if I continue with that we might actually be able to produce some of those books I have ideas for someday.

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~ My New Years Resolutions: 2015 ~

2015:  My personal goal ~ To be much more mindful of the time I have and how I spend it.

One of my bad habits of which I am utterly sick of is the bad habit of wasting time. It has been impressed on me over the last year that “Time is the one non-renewable resource that we have”. 

And it’s so true. You can replace money, goods, food, cars, houses ~ but you cannot turn back time, receive more time, or redeem lost time. Once you’ve spent it, it’s gone.

There is nothing left but either happiness or regret as to how your time was spent. So I have resolved to be intentional and deliberate in how I spend my time.


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2015:  My skills goal ~ To practise my sewing so that I can get faster at finishing a project.

To be honest, the only way I know how to do that is to sew more! Sew* that’s what I plan to do.

Giving myself the months of January and February off to cope with baby things, I would like to try to complete one garment in March and April, then two garments per month until December. Which should come to eighteen me made items in total!  Whew! That’s a pretty hefty count for someone who has yet to even make more that five sewn items a year.

I’m not sure how I will achieve this goal as I am such a slow sewer, but I can only try. I shall have to do some planning as to what it is I want to sew up, but I know that separates, like circle skirts and maybe my first pair of pants, will be on that list.

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Do you like making resolutions for the New Year? What’s one of the resolutions that you have achieved and are most proud of? I’d love to hear your success stories. ヾ(^-^)ノ



*Pun most definitely intended.  (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

༺ ♡ ༻

Find me: Instagram | missbjvear
Pinterest | bjvear
Ravelry | BJVear
Twitter | bjvear
Youtube | Bonita Vear


  1. Don't feel weird about the weekly meal plan thing. I'm trying really hard to get me and my husband on one! It makes meal times so much simpler and helps me not give in to the temptation of eating out.

    1. Oooh, eating out... Don't even get me started! It's so easy to do, yet you spend so much money doing it if you're not careful. Eating out is our biggest budget killer at the moment; so yes, anything that helps to prevent that is a huge win for us! : )

  2. I think that weekly meal planning and repetition is an excellent way to structure your menu. Though we tend to think of such things as being very mid-century (and earlier), even growing up in the 80s/90s, my mom often made the same few meals week after week and because they were all filling and delicious, nary a peep was raised in objection.

    Wishing you the very best with all your plans for 2015, dear gal!
    ♥ Jessica

    1. It's funny how times change isn't it? We still think good, home cooked meals are fantastic, yet for some reason also think that they have to be different all the time. I suppose for people who make cooking a hobby because they really enjoy, this makes sense ~ but for our family definitely not.

      Thank you, and I hope your plans for the year go smoothly for you. :D



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