‘Currently’ posts are a little snapshot of the events that are occurring in my day-to-day life. These episodes feature photos from my Instagram, do come and say “Hi!” if you are around. Also, if you would like to participate in this feature yourself, please feel free! I’d love to read your posts, so don’t forget to leave a link. ♡
ALL THE BOOKS! No, seriously! I’ve been to the library three times over the last two months, and I’ve been reading so many books I haven’t been able to keep up with my extensive blog roll! Whoopies…
Recently I read “The Trader’s Dream” and the “The Trader’s Reward” by Anna Jacobs. These are two book from a series in the historical romance genre about immigration to Australia. I found both books enjoyable, and I’m keeping an eye out for the others.
If I’m going to be able to keep up with sewing challenge I’ve set myself. I’m definitely running out of steam…... ( ̄。 ̄;)
That I can go to exercise classes and work at getting my body strong, fit, and healthy again.
Quinoa with cinnamon and almond milk for breakfast. As much as I adore my peanut butter toast {three months, every day for breakfast and still going strong!}, it’s not helping in my quest to shed some post-baby pounds.
Still on Agents of Shield, Season 2. Only two more episodes to go though!
What am I not working on would be the better question, but here goes: Sewing projects ~ I’m in the middle of my first foray into knits. A launch page for my first ebook. Finishing off my second novel. Designing a website for my studio which should just about cover all the projects I have running, and how to find them. Videos for my YouTube channel. Videos for A & B Novels’ YouTube channel!
Online shopping ~ eBay forevah! Pilates. Coke Zero. My new Elna Overlocker ‘Ella’. Thick, warm stockings. Hanging out with new friends. Trips to the library. Vintage style t-shirts. A nice glass of red wine. Bareback rides on Copper. Taking photographs of my family. Watching Charlotte get chubbier and cuter everyday!
To keep up with all the things I want to do, as well as the things I should do. Like housework. Which so boring compared to everything else, but alas, so necessary.
To get more sleep…. (✖. ✖) …More sleep. Oh, and to trim down.
Enough stuff to keep me running around like a chicken with my head chopped off ~ but I’m having fun. I’m writing a lot. I have done enough writing at this point over the entirety of my life to finally realise I am a writer. It’s taken me 29 years, but I’m finally calling it what it is: I am a writer.
(‘Currently’ post inspired by Danielle of Sometimes Sweet and Kaelah of The Clueless Girl's Guide!)
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Youtube | Bonita Vear