I’m not going to lie ~ I’m slightly okay, majorly, in love with this park we found last weekend. Is that a weird thing to say?
If it is, I’m going to say it anyway!
We haven’t really had much of a chance for sightseeing yet, I’ve been way to exhausted and there’s just been too many other things to deal with. Sort of like what happened in Malaysia, we’ve spent our time in Chiang Mai mostly exploring all the shopping centres trying to find what we need/what’s available to us, rather than just looking around for fun.
Oh, don’t get me wrong, the shops can be fun {hehehe} but I really just love exploring a city and seeing all the landmarks and beautiful spots. I’ve been aching to do that here, and now I have the perfect reason too!
For those of you that follow me on Instagram, you would have already seen this, but my Mother-In-Law flew over from Australia last Friday. It’s mostly an “emergency” trip ~ she came bearing gifts ~ namely my desperately needed supplements, and help in the form of looking after the little ones while my body adjusts to being in a more balanced state. Which is actually a fairly rough ride {at the moment I’m on a quarter dose and I’m still dealing with fatigue and all the usual, plus a new symptom ~ nausea… Yay.}.
But it should be over in a few weeks, if it follows in the pattern of my previous experience with this treatment. At least I’m sleeping better at night, and actually feeling somewhat refreshed in the mornings!
Anywho ~ now that my Mil is visiting, I hope that we will have a chance to explore more of wonderful Chiang Mai with her. The Night Market is so much fun, the Old City is really beautiful and interesting, and I’d love to show her the botanic gardens as I think she will really love them!
The weather at the moment is absolutely fantastic for outdoor explorations. The rainy season has finished now, and the days are mostly filled with sunshine and cool breezes to whisk away the majority of humidity. It’s really the best weather you could ask for when sightseeing, so I absolutely want to make the most of it.
We did stumble on this park a bit by accident, we had some time to kill before attending church, but not enough time to go all the way back home and out again. So I searched for the nearest park on Google maps and this is what we found!
It was soooo much better than I was expecting, it was a stunning garden with gorgeous old bridges, pavilions, man-made lakes and canals, flowers galore and tree lined avenues. But best of all, there was really great play equipment for the children!
Yes, I really wanna go back there again….. Haha!
Something else I also love, and that I just have to mention, is my new brooch by Natalie of Fancy Lady Industries.
There’s been a ton of new makers and brands pop up in the brooch scene recently, and it’s really exciting to see all the talent and creativity each brand brings to their designs.
I ordered a bunch from a few different makers, and most of them are still back in Australia, as I get all my mail *cough*online shopping*cough* sent to my mom’s house.
However, my Mil kindly slipped a few of my recent purchases in her suitcase and now I have some new pretties to play with!
I have to say, I was really impressed by the solid workmanship of Natalie’s pieces. The lines are clean and everything fits together beautifully which makes the final piece look so polished and professional. Her artwork is beautiful too, and she has some great designs available!
I really love it when a maker puts a lot of care into creating their pieces, and I adore seeing all the new brooch designs coming out. It’s amazing to see quite a large community of brooch lovers continue to grow, and to know I’m not the only one with a serious brooch addiction…. (。> ౪ •。) Brooching is definitely something I’m enjoying a lot at the moment. I love collecting wearable, miniature pieces of art! I could write a whole essay on brooches, and the art in fashion, but I think I will leave that for another time.
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Peach Peony Hair Flower | Old
"Florence” Japanese Flower Brooch | Fancy Lady Industries
Navy Rose Dress | Zulily
Tan Virginia Leather Sandal | Miss L Fire
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